How do I check an order status??
par Pam Whitmore – 12 mai 2024

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What payment methods do you accept??
At GALLERY ADERYN, most credit cards are accepted (mastercard, visa, Amex, Discover) as well I take Shoppay, Applepay, Googlepay and PayPal
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Can I cancel an order??
Orders that are not yet into production can be returned however, once and order has been completed and is in transit it can not be cancelled but it can be returned. Orders can be returned within 30 days of receiving product, customer pays return fees. Products (defective, damaged or lost in transit) can be replaced. See shipping policy and returns policy on my website.
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How do I know that my order is confirmed??
When you place an order on my website you will get an email with your order number and a confirmation that the order has been placed. This order number can be used to track your order. When an order ships out will receive a tracking number for your order. Heads up if your order has multiple items they may ship at different times.
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How do I make a purchase??
It's simple just go to Gallery Aderyn's website and start your search for amazing products. Select a product buy clicking on the "buy now" button in the product listing page. Then at the top click the shopping cart icon In the cart preview add your details, HINT the more details you add the easier it is to track your package if it is lost or delayed... don't forget a phone number. Click continue and add your payment details, this is your credit card, SHOP pay or PAYPAL details. Click continue and review your order ( check for spelling mistakes etc.) Click Buy now You will receive an email when your order has been placed
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Sur quoi je travaille maintenant…
Ce sur quoi je travaille actuellement… Trois nouveaux tirages seront bientôt disponibles. Y compris Frigate bird 1 Mes créations à la plume et à l'encre ont généralement inclus des images monochromes en noir et blanc, mais j'ai inclus une touche de couleur juste pour ajouter un aspect intéressant. Je suis ravi de voir quelles autres images je peux créer dans cette série.
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